Seeking Part-Time Stated Clerk for PC(USA) Presbytery

  • Newberry
  • Smart Work Network, Llc
Job Description Job Description

Seeking Part-Time Stated Clerk for PC(USA) Presbytery

Trinity Presbytery PC(USA) seeks Christ-centered, detail-oriented candidates ready to use their spiritual gifts and administrative talents to support a vibrant presbytery comprising 57 congregations across the I-20/I-26 corridors in South Carolina.

MUST be a member in good standing of a PC(USA) congregation or presbytery.

MUST be present in the Lexington, SC office for at least 1-3 days per week. Work days/hours are flexible.

Position is part-time (25 hours per week) and provides no benefits and no Board of Pensions contributions.

NOTE: This position is also posted in the PC(USA) Church Leadership Connection (CLC) database. To request a copy of the CLC Ministry Profile Information and Ministry Discernment Profile contents provided there, contact the Search Committee Chair at

Position Title: Stated Clerk Exempt/Part-time

Position Reports to: Trinity Presbytery through the Presbytery Coordinating Team and Administrative Enabling Team for ecclesiastical, procedural, and polity matters and the General Presbyter as Head of Staff for administrative and staff matters.

Purpose of Position: To serve as the ecclesiastical officer of the Presbytery under the provisions of the PC(USA) Book of Order; serving as parliamentarian of presbytery, the interpreter of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the official correspondent of the Presbytery.

Position Requirements:

  • Strong faith in Jesus Christ and commitment to the ministry of the Presbyterian Church (USA.).
  • An ordained Teaching Elder of the Word and Sacrament or Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA).
  • Thorough knowledge of and broad experience with the constitution, life, and mission of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
  • Exemplify a steward leadership role model.
  • Sufficient proficiency with current technology to function comfortably in today’s environment.


The duties of Stated Clerk shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. Expediting the transactions of the Presbytery and ensuring that they are recorded; ensuring that its rolls of membership and attendance are kept, that its records are carefully preserved, and that its history is maintained; and that Presbytery records are furnished as required by another council.
  2. Receiving ecclesiastical communications addressed or referred to the Office and completing correspondences required, as directed and prescribed in the Form of Government, the Book of Discipline and the Manual of Administrative Operations of the Presbytery.
  3. Interpreting the Constitution and the actions of the Presbytery when requested.
  4. Being mutually responsible with the General Presbyter for interpreting the Presbytery’s Manual of Administrative Operations.
  5. Referring differences in interpretation of the Manual of Administrative Operations to the Administrative Enabling Team and Presbytery Coordinating Team for resolution.
  6. Advising Presbytery members, commissioners, churches, clerks of session, ruling elders, committees, commissions, teams, task-forces and units on procedure and ecclesiastical law.
  7. Locating sites for Stated Meetings of Presbytery and serving as liaison between the Presbytery and the churches hosting the meetings.
  8. Bringing to the attention of the Presbytery any imbalance between the number of teaching elder members and ruling elder commissioners each year.
  9. Ensuring that required reports are submitted to the Synod of the South Atlantic and the General Assembly, including Minutes of the Presbytery to the synod for review, and reporting the action(s) recommended by synod to the Presbytery at its first stated meeting thereafter.
  10. Interpreting to the Presbytery the policies, programs, and decisions of the General Assembly and Synod mutually with the General Presbyter.
  11. Being mutually responsible with the General Presbyter for interpreting the work of the Presbytery to local churches, to higher councils, and to the general public.
  12. Overseeing the annual review of session records.
  13. Forming Administrative Commissions of the Presbytery as necessary. Providing orientation for Administrative Commissions of the Presbytery and serving as staff resource as needed.
  14. Being mutually responsible with the General Presbyter for serving as staff resource to the Administrative Enabling Team in its review of any overtures and resolutions addressed to Presbytery or to higher councils.
  15. Attending meetings of, and serving as resource to, the Commission on Ministry in order to provide information, guidance and counsel on the Form of Government, interpreting church polity on matters pertaining to the committee, and alerting the committee to the traditions and history of the Presbytery.
  16. Serving as staff resource to the Committee on Preparation for Ministry and the Discipleship Resource Team.
  17. Maintaining open communication with the Moderator of the Presbytery, the Coordinating Team Moderator, the Business Manager and the General Presbyter.
  18. Coordinating work with the General Presbyter and Business Manager as practically necessary.
  19. Complying with the Presbytery’s Manual of Administrative Operations and Bylaws, including the appendices on personnel, protection and ethics.
  20. Coordinating work with the presbytery Administrative Assistant in order to complete position responsibilities in a timely manner.
  21. Abiding by the Code of Ethics of Trinity Presbytery.
  22. Attending Association of Stated Clerks and Mid-Council meetings and gatherings, and Synod meetings when available to do so. EVALUATION: Conducted annually as determined by the Coordinating Team, in

Evaluation: Conducted annually as determined by the Coordinating Team, in consultation with the Administrative Enabling Team and Personnel Committee.

Compensation: Determined annually by Trinity Presbytery upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee through the Administrative Enabling Team to the Presbytery Coordinating Team in the annual budget.

Presbytery Website:

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The mission of Trinity Presbytery is to equip and empower our member congregations to become communities of faith, hope, love, witness, and service, so that those who do not know Jesus may come to know, love and serve him, and so that those who do know Jesus may come to love him more intimately and serve him more faithfully.

Trinity Presbytery considers applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, marital or veteran status, or other legally protected status.