Executive Director Position

  • Florida
  • Florida Rural Water Association
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FRWA Executive Director

"To help water and wastewater systems provide Floridians with an ample supply of high quality water, while protecting natural systems!"

Opening for Executive Director Position

General Information:

Florida Rural Water Association (FRWA) is seeking an applicant to replace the existing Executive Director who is retiring after 35 years. FRWA is a non‐profit organization that represents water and wastewater systems throughout the State of Florida. For more information, questions, job description, or to submit your resumé please contact FRWA Attention: Search Committee, 2970 Wellington Circle, Tallahassee, Florida 32309 or Search@FRWA.net . For more information on the position, click on the links below: Position Profile Compensation and Benefits Job Description Employee Handbook For more information on the Florida Rural Water Association, please click on the links below: Membership Directory

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