Software Engineer

  • California
  • Liftoff Inc
Liftoff is the leading growth acceleration platform for the mobile industry, helping advertisers, publishers, game developers and DSPs scale revenue growth with solutions to market and monetize mobile apps.

Liftoff’s solutions, including Accelerate, Direct, Influence, Monetize, Intelligence, and Vungle Exchange, support over 6,600 mobile businesses across 74 countries in sectors such as gaming, social, finance, ecommerce, and entertainment. Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Redwood City, CA, Liftoff has a diverse, global presence. About Liftoff

At Liftoff, we’re helping mobile businesses scale and succeed via our sophisticated technology that enables them to find their most engaged users. We are a trusted guide for growth and engagement, transforming how people discover and experience apps. Advertisers depend on us to reach, acquire, and retain high-value users worldwide. We are one of the world’s largest independent, unbiased and privacy-friendly growth platforms that fuels the entire mobile app growth cycle across user acquisition, engagement, monetization, and analytics. Consistently ranked as one of the fastest growing companies and best places to work, we are a profitable company with strong product-market fit and tremendous growth opportunity. We have a creative, collaborative, and humble culture. We are data-driven, proactive, and have the courage to drive change.

Liftoff is the leading growth acceleration platform for the mobile industry, helping advertisers, publishers, game developers, and DSPs scale revenue growth with solutions to market and monetize mobile apps.

Liftoff’s solutions, including Accelerate, Direct, Influence, Monetize, Intelligence, and Vungle Exchange, support over 6,600 mobile businesses across 74 countries in sectors such as gaming, social, finance, e-commerce, and entertainment. Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Redwood City, CA, Liftoff has a diverse, global presence.


The Data Engineering team is responsible for the efficiency, quality, and availability of Liftoff+Vungle data for both internal and external consumption. This role will help drive the operational planning and success of Data Availability, Engineering, and Operations while also championing new technologies and methodologies which lead to more efficient Data ingestion, model training, serving, and utilization. The Sr. Engineer, Data/ML is responsible for working as a part of the Data Engineering team on data availability planning and capacity planning, and working collaboratively with data scientists, product, and the larger engineering organization to support data needs while assisting with data-related technical issues.


SF Bay Area, Greater Seattle Area, or Greater Los Angeles Area

Although we are primarily remote, we would ideally like this hire to be based in the West Coast (Pacific timezone) for easier travel to our Redwood City, CA HQ for regular collaboration (each trip approx 3-5 days). This role is required to work Pacific hours (daily stand ups with Asia teams go as late as 7pm Pacific, some meetings potentially later).


Collaborate closely with product management and other engineering departments to scope product features, gather requirements.

Design, engineer & implement highly-available, fault-tolerant, distributed systems enhancing our real-time bidding system

Focusing on code readability, performance, testing, documentation, continuous integration

Become familiar with core development, product release and its business

Implementing new features and streamlining existing services

Minimizing complexity and increasing shared understanding

Qualifications :

BS in Computer Science with 2+ years professional experience; or an advanced degree without experience; or equivalent work experience

Proficient in at least one of the following languages: Scala (preferable), Python, Java

2+ years of experience with Scala, Python, or Java in a production environment

Good understanding of inner workings of one or more of the big data technologies like Hadoop, Kafka, Spark or etc.

Good understanding of SQL and NoSQL such as HBase, Cassandra,

MongoDB, Postgres

Good understanding of computer architectures, data structures, and algorithms

Good understanding of distributed data warehouse Redshift, Greenplum, or others.

Good understanding of functional and object-oriented paradigms

Knowledge of various ETL/ELT techniques and frameworks and have experience in integrating data from multiple data sources.

Good understanding of distributed system observability

Have good team communication and collaboration skills.

Passionate about helping others and learning new tech

Nice to Have

Previous experience in ad-tech

gRPC, RestAPI, GraphQL

Jenkins/TravisCI, Airflow, Datahub, Kubernetes, AWS, Github

Machine Learning

Preferred location for this position is

SF Bay Area, Greater Seattle Area, or Greater Los Angeles Area .

Liftoff's compensation strategy includes competitive market rate along with equity and benefits and perks that will give our employees what they need to do their best work.

In order to ensure teams are compensated fairly for the work performed, we map out specific levels and take into consideration the cost of labor within each location.



base pay for this position in the US depends on the location and falls in the following zones: SF Bay Area, New York City, Los Angeles, Orange County: $140,000 Seattle/Olympia, Austin, Boston, San Diego, Santa Barbara: $129,000 All other cities in our approved to hire states: $120,000 This is a mid-level software engineering role. We are open to hiring new grads, but please note that

the base salary for a new grad is lower than the minimum base pay listed above.

Working at Liftoff is fast-paced, fun, and challenging, and we thrive on innovation. Come join our team and help shape the future of the mobile app ecosystem. If this role sounds interesting to you, we would love to hear from you!


#LI-Remote Liftoff is committed to providing and maintaining a work environment where all employees and candidates are treated with dignity and respect and that is free of bias, prejudice, and harassment. Liftoff is further committed to providing an equal employment opportunity for all employees and candidates for employment free from discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex, gender (including sexual harassment, gender harassment, and harassment due to pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and related conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, gender nonconformity, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, ancestry (including association, affiliation, or participation with persons or activities related to national origin, English-proficiency or accent, or immigration status), physical or mental disability, medical condition(s), genetic information of an individual or family member of the individual, marital or domestic partner status, age, veteran or military status, family care status, requesting or taking pregnancy, parental or disability leave, requesting an accommodation, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law, regulation, or ordinance. All such discrimination and harassment is unlawful and will not be tolerated. Liftoff maintains a continued commitment to equal employment opportunity and expects the full cooperation of all personnel.

Agency and Third Party Recruiter Notice:

Liftoff does not accept unsolicited resumes from individual recruiters or third-party recruiting agencies in response to job postings. No fee will be paid to third parties who submit unsolicited candidates directly to our hiring managers or Recruiting Team. All candidates must be submitted via our Applicant Tracking System by approved Liftoff vendors who have been expressly requested to make a submission by our Recruiting Team for a specific job opening. No placement fees will be paid to any firm unless such a request has been made by the Liftoff Recruiting Team and such a candidate was submitted to the Liftoff Recruiting Team via our Applicant Tracking System.