Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) - PRN

  • Excelsior Springs
  • Excelsior Springs City Hospital

Demonstrates ability to administer all types of anesthesia, including general, major regional, local and minimal, moderate and deep sedation. Performs and documents pre-anesthetic assessment and evaluation of the patient, including all appropriate lab values, study results, consultative information, and pre-anesthesia clinical history. Ability to adequately assess and reassess pain. Utilizes appropriate pain management techniques. Develops, implements, and documents an anesthetic plan of care. Maintains the patients physiologic homeostasis and corrects abnormal responses to the anesthesia and/or surgery, should these occur. Displays assertive, professional behavior, discussing with the operating surgeon situations where administering anesthesia may place the patients life in jeopardy, declines to administer an anesthetic to any patient in the instance where he/she feels the anesthesia may pose a threat of loss of life or undue and/or unwarranted risk to the patient. Ensures supervising physician signs off on all documentation at the conclusion of the surgical procedure. Discharges or releases the patient from the PACU according to established criteria. Performs other duties and responsibilities as assigned.

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