Maryland State Boychoir Program Manager

  • Maryland
  • Maryland Nonprofits
ORGANIZATIONAL SUMMARY Founded in 1987 with a vision to offer talented boys from diverse backgrounds a foundation in choral singing and discipline that develops the mind, builds character and sustains the spirit, The Maryland State Boychoir (MSB) is Baltimore’s second largest performing arts organization. Our choristers, in five choirs of boys and young men from elementary school to college age, perform around 70 times each season. Performances include both secular and sacred music and venues, in locations throughout Maryland, in neighboring states, and on regional, national, and international tours. MSB’s diverse repertoire ranges from ancient to contemporary and from classical to popular, reflecting American, European and other cultural traditions. Working from The Maryland State Boychoir Center for the Arts, our own facility in northeast Baltimore, MSB collaborates frequently with prestigious ensembles and periodically commissions new works by distinguished composers. JOB PROFILE Beginning with the 2024/2025 season, the full-time Program Manager will support the Artistic Director and a part-time administrative staff of five people to manage all non-musical aspects of MSB’s operations. SALARY AND BENEFITS ·

$43,000 - $58,000, full time. Some flexibility in hours; approximately 2/3 time in house and 1/3 time off site ·

Health and retirement (IRA) benefits ·

Paid leave ·

Opportunities for professional development and touring DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Office Administration

tasks will include: ·

Parent and chorister liaison; answering questions, distributing and collecting information, forms, etc. at rehearsals and events ·

Assisting the Artistic Director with writing projects such as letters to parents, donors and collaborating organizations, letters of recommendation, etc. ·

Coordinating special projects with other staff, volunteers and/or board members ·

Website maintenance and updating ·

DocuSign database, ticket system and payment portal management ·

Coordination of chorister activities such as virtual lessons and social events ·

Preparation for signature events, including the Festival of Lessons and Carols; inviting non-chorister participants, producing flyers, mailings, etc. ·

Assisting with the coordination of building maintenance, repairs and cleaning ·

Organizing MSB recording projects Rehearsal and Performance Management,

including: ·

Compiling and ensuring transport of materials to performance venues ·

Arranging transportation of choristers, staff and proctors to local/regional venues ·

Coordinating sale of CDs and promotional materials ·

Box office, ticket sales, security and usher coordination ·

Planning and assisting with reception and kitchen needs ·

Producing signage and seating charts and arranging set up for in-house events ·

Counting and recording of donations received at performances ·

Maintaining excused absence logs ·

Assisting with tour planning and execution Communications and Marketing

tasks, with volunteer and professional input: ·

Social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) posts, videos, livestreams, etc. ·

Creation of programs for MSB concerts, signature events and tours ·

Concert and tour publicity (flyers, social media, etc.) ·

Creation of audition flyers and postcards ·

Coordination, +/- design, of promotional materials (T-shirts, MSB merchandise for sale) ·

Annual viewbook design and production REQUIRED AND PREFERED COMPETENCIES The ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree in arts administration or equivalent (e.g., communications, business administration) and 3-5 years’ experience with a performing arts organization. Candidates with alternative, complementary qualifications are encouraged to apply. The position requires wholehearted support of the boychoir tradition, the mission of MSB and its diversity of repertoire and performance venues. Ability to work on site in NE Baltimore, including 1-2 evenings/week and at 2-3 weekend events/month is also required. A candidate who has or has a desire to establish roots in the Baltimore community is preferred. The Program Manager must be a team player, with superior communication skills, who can interact effectively with choristers, their families, MSB staff members and supporters (audiences, donors, and board members). Prior experience with fundraising and donor relations is desirable. Strong writing skills are required; experience with creating social media posts, brochures, fundraising materials, etc. is highly preferred. Proficiency with Office suite, Google and Canva (or similar) programs is required, Because this position includes a variety of tasks in a dynamic environment, the ability to pivot, problem solve and to keep sight of the “big picture” while attending to details is essential. Musical opportunities may be available to a candidate whose skills and interests match MSB’s needs. HOW TO APPLY Submit a resumé and cover letter with a statement of interest, no later than June 30, 2024, to
