Applied Research Intern

  • West Point
  • Tencent

You will conduct independent research and development of mainstream algorithms and emerging technologies of 3D reconstruction for future products. Requirements:
Key Qualifications:
- Strong understanding and hand-on experience on 3D reconstruction.
• Ability to optimize 3D related methods and algorithms.
- Strong coding skills of Python.
- Familiar with at least one common Deep Learning tool, such as Tensorflow, PyTorch, and etc.
- Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
- Publications in top computer vision conferences or journals, e.g. CVPR, ICCV, TPAMI, etc.
• Familiar with techniques about 3D reconstruction from images, text-to-3D, and surface generation.
- Experience on geometry processing for meshes.
Education & Experience
- Minimum: MS - Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and related fields.
- Preferred: PhD - Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and related fields.
Salary Range: $5,833-$10000 USD monthly